Friday, August 24, 2012

Saying Goodbye Ain't Easy...

We recently said goodbye to a very special member of our little family.  She was, in fact, the first child for J.R. and myself.  Our oldest dog, Cali, was sent to heaven (yes, dogs do indeed go to heaven in case you ever wondered.  now that that's settled, let me continue...) a week ago today.  It was a very sad  and lonely day in our home.

Cali was almost 14 years old.  J.R. found her as a very tiny pup on the side of the road when he used to deliver medical equipment.  She was tiny and furry like a little teddy bear, covered in ticks and stick tites, and in need of love.  We accepted her with open hearts!  

At the time, J.R. lived with our good friend, David, and he and Cali were so close.  He spooned her every single night in the bed and we took her everywhere.  She was our first responsibility together and we loved her so much!  J.R. was happy to finally have a dog all his own!  They were best friends :)

Time was just too much, as it is for us all at some point. Her joints were giving out, among other things, and I won't go into details, but it was time to stop seeing her suffer.  I can't tell you how hard this decision was.  We debated for a really long in months.  It just got worse and we wanted to stop the pain from being too much for her.  Once they stop smiling it's just not the same.  I wished so many times as a nurse we could help the dying not to suffer.  It's a terrible, terrible thing to know the inevitable is around the corner and yet still have to watch our loved ones in pain and time moving so slowly.  I just kept telling myself that it was a good thing that we are able to do this for our animals.  If you don't agree with me don't tell me...I may lose it on you ;) !  Anyway, point is, we loved our first baby girl and we miss her terribly.  But, as with most things, time heals, prayer works, and love for those of us left behind is most important.  

Maggie (our second baby dog) has never been without her big sis ever.  EVER.  8 years together and she was obviously sad and confused but is doing much better now.  We are giving her SO MUCH extra love and attention and she too is settling into her life without Cali.  If you have ever lost an animal I know you understand this post.  It's hard and it's one of those yucky times in life we all don't look forward to but we manage to go on.  

We love you and miss you so much Cali.  I know you are happy and running with the angels and God is taking care of you.  Goodbye sweet girl.

Cali riding in the car.  One of her favorite things :)  She was so happy!

She would let Sofia do just about anything to her.  Sofia loves all the dogs but always rubbed on Cali the most.

This picture cracks me up!  I couldn't get either one of them to "pose" for me!  You can feel the love though :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Big Time!

Since my last post things have been looking up around here!  I feel bad for complaining so now I have to redeem myself and show you all how happy Sofia is most of the time.  I really do feel so blessed to have a happy and healthy little girl and even though some days are rough (for both of us) the good overcomes!  I pray for patience and a positive attitude every night and morning because as we all know, mind over matter, and 99% of the time the attitude we have determines our day!  So, here's to looking on the bright side!!!!

We have been so busy!  We are constantly meeting up with friends or family and I love it.  Also, Sofia is now "cruising" and taking steps and I am all for celebrating her independence!  It's wonderful to take her places to play and watch her interact with other littles.  On the flip side, independence brings on bumps, falls, and bruises :(  Note the evidence below...

Smiles before the fall...
Nose red and swollen after.  This is what happens when riding a purple hippo.

 Riding in any kind of car or thing with a steering wheel is one of her obsessions lately!  She was playing through being really, really sleepy this day.  Can't you tell???

 We recently spent the day at my sister's house (Patsy) with her and her three girls Emme, Rayley, and Maggie.  They all love getting to spend time together and Patsy and I get to have adult conversations and talk about fun things like paint colors and decorating!  Exciting, I know ;)  They are adding on to their existing carriage house and it is absolutely beautiful!  My brother in law, Jeff, can build pretty much anything.
Sofia and Maggie were way more interested in pushing each other around than talking about decorating!  It was a great day!
Sofia and Maggie

Sofia and Rayley 

The view of their home from the outside.  Such a peaceful retreat.

All four girls

We spent the afternoon out at Arrington Vineyards recently as well.  We met up with my friend Rebecca and her husband Diego and daughter Ella Grace.  I worked with her at VCH and we have stayed friends ever since.  AV was having a benefit day for children's hospital and we were so excited to be a part of it!  The afternoon was beautiful and the company even better!  Sofia loved all of it too except for Champ.  She wasn't having him!

The couple behind J.R. and Sofia crack me up in this picture!  I think they had a few too many bottles of wine ;)

Eating a healthy lunch!

We had a girls only afternoon in Edgehill by Vanderbilt.  Gelato is Sofia's favorite!  She does so good feeding herself!

After our day in Nashville we visited my friend Jamie and her little boy, Madden.  I only wish you could hear the laughter and squeals in these photos!  Sofia had a blast with Madden!!!

Busy bees we have been but it has been great!  We are looking forward to fall and getting to spend more time outside exploring!

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Take a Deep Breath...

Off and on lately, Sofia has really been putting my patience to the test.  I'm sure most of it is her age but the Mama in me (that always thinks I'm doing something wrong) can't help but wonder if I am doing something along the way to make the situation the way it is.  Nothings terrible or anything, it's just little things that are building up and I'm kinda losing my mind...ok, really losing my mind at times.

This morning was really difficult.  She is waking up before I think she is really ready to be up for the day.  Around 6:30 am and she goes to bed usually around 8 pm.  BUUUUUT, she STILL wakes up during the night to nurse.  It's wearing me out and I think it is her as well, but she just doesn't get it.  I'm running on fumes and not sure what to do????????

This is about how we both feel these days...

Like we could lay down ALL the time!  Whew!

Anyway, I know things could be worse, and I could also go on and add some things to this list of difficulties at this time but I won't.  I just need to know that I'm not alone.  That I'm doing ok at this Mama thing.  It's so much harder than I ever imagined and I'm wearing out.  There are no breaks or days off in this parenting career and it's so tough.  Can I get an "AMEN!"????

Sorry for the downer of a post but hey, I had to get this off my chest.  I'll make sure that the next post is full of happiness and fun!!!!  First I gotta get out of this funk though to be able to even think about a funny post.  Sigh...  hope everyone has a wonderful day!