I was thinking today as I sat nursing Sofia for her morning nap about how blessed I am to be able to stay home with her and experience all she learns and does each day. This girl and I know each other so well and continue to grow as a mother and daughter. It is still surreal to me at times that I have my very own baby. Thinking about celebrating Easter and spending time with family and friends as our own little family just makes me so happy. I truly did not think that I would ever have a baby of my own, and now looking back I realize that going through tough times and feeling pain is just a part of life that makes us appreciate things more when the time finally comes, whatever it may be. I questioned God so much when we were trying to have a baby and now I praise Him for giving me all those years to learn and grow. I want Sofia to know that patience is important and that God always delivers, just not always in the package we expected or at the exact time of arrival we want...but He loves his children and takes care of them.
Capturing memories of times with our baby girl are so important. I wish I had a better camera but I am thankful that at least what I do have works well enough :) If anyone has an iPhone then you probably know about how wonderful the camera is on it, and I love that because it is with me at all times and ready to catch a memory on the spot! Instagram is one of my favorite apps. I love what it does with a picture and makes it even better!!! Here are just a few of my pics taken via Instagram.
This first picture of her playing with her ear is one of my new favorites. She does this when she nurses or is tired. It's precious! When I look at photos of Sofia it makes me smile because she is always so happy! She rarely fusses or cries and that makes me very proud. J.R. and I try to give her everything she needs and I believe that comes across in her personality. We just love this little girl!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend and gets to spend it with the ones you love and celebrate to real reason, our Lord, with those people.
Happy Easter everyone!
Happy Easter!