Happy Wednesday! It's the halfway point to the weekend :)
I want to just start this post with a little note to all that our Subaru was recovered on Sunday evening. Untouched, unharmed, and all that was missing was an empty purse, my sunglasses, and some Purell hand sanitizer. At least the thieves were sanitary :) They must know me better than I thought! Anyway, we can joke about it now, but it was a good end to a not so great start to the weekend. Now you can all rest easy!
Sunday night started a trail of rough nights for us around the Natale house. Poor little Sofia has been cutting her molars for about 9-10 weeks now...no joke! Those things just stay under the skin and won't move! Finally, three of them are through the skin, and one still lingers, but it looks like brighter days are ahead of us! Along with it (or on the side, whatever) she began to have really bad congestion and fever. Poor baby had the shaking chills on Monday night and I felt so bad for her. My only about 3 hours of sleep paled in comparison to what she was going through and the Mommy in me kicked in. All you want to do when your baby is sick and rock and hold them and that's just what we did. Unfortunately, when she is in MY arms, she only wants to nurse and be with me. So in order to actually get her to lie down in her bed, J.R. has to be woken up to do that. Makes me really dread the day I decide to wean her from breastfeeding, but we won't talk about that right now :)
Anywho...she and I have been quarantined to the homestead as to not spread our funk to other littles. We have been making the best of it though! Swimming in the little pool (which actually is not swimming at all! More like sitting!), dancing in the living room, practicing walking in circles around the house, wagon rides, visits with Poppi, annnnnnnnd...
you've got it! Photo booth on the iMac! This feature just CRACKS us both up! And Poppi was around to get a laugh with us as well. You gotta make the best of the rough times and that's just what we are doing.
Hope you all enjoyed our silly photos and that you got a few laughs too!
And thanks to those of you who sent emails, etc. voicing your concern about our car situation. Thank the good Lord we made it out on the positive side!
Happy Hump Day!!!!!!
Love it! Y'all crack me up!