Monday, August 6, 2012

Take a Deep Breath...

Off and on lately, Sofia has really been putting my patience to the test.  I'm sure most of it is her age but the Mama in me (that always thinks I'm doing something wrong) can't help but wonder if I am doing something along the way to make the situation the way it is.  Nothings terrible or anything, it's just little things that are building up and I'm kinda losing my mind...ok, really losing my mind at times.

This morning was really difficult.  She is waking up before I think she is really ready to be up for the day.  Around 6:30 am and she goes to bed usually around 8 pm.  BUUUUUT, she STILL wakes up during the night to nurse.  It's wearing me out and I think it is her as well, but she just doesn't get it.  I'm running on fumes and not sure what to do????????

This is about how we both feel these days...

Like we could lay down ALL the time!  Whew!

Anyway, I know things could be worse, and I could also go on and add some things to this list of difficulties at this time but I won't.  I just need to know that I'm not alone.  That I'm doing ok at this Mama thing.  It's so much harder than I ever imagined and I'm wearing out.  There are no breaks or days off in this parenting career and it's so tough.  Can I get an "AMEN!"????

Sorry for the downer of a post but hey, I had to get this off my chest.  I'll make sure that the next post is full of happiness and fun!!!!  First I gotta get out of this funk though to be able to even think about a funny post.  Sigh...  hope everyone has a wonderful day!


  1. Those days are so rough. It gets better!!

  2. Thanks for the positivity :) I KNOW you understand!
