Friday, September 14, 2012

Catching up!

As you can tell by my lack of blog posts, I have been a little lazy about them lately.  Sorry for those of you who enjoy keeping up with our girl this way but now I am back and with LOTS of photos to share with you!

We have been enjoying the cooler temps here in ol Tennessee the last few weeks.  We have been able to go outside and actually stay there for more than five minutes!  Here are a few things we have been enjoying...

Visiting our friends in Nashville.  Here Sofia is making a move on our buddy, Townes.  Yep, you got it...she's a cougar!  He is only 10 months old and they can't keep their hands off each other.  Ok, ok. It's mostly when Sofia hits Townes for trying to take one of her toys, but a few kisses are thrown in there for apologies :)

Playing out on the patio with Maggie (the dog, not the cousin!).  I believe she is trying to feed Maggie a rock here.  Good grief!

Sunday nights at Cracker Barrel.  Just rockin on the porch and having a fashion show inside.  

Lunch time!  Sofia is such a great eater usually but has been battling fall allergies and has become somewhat picky at times with texture.  Overall though she still eats good for her age.  I'm sure she is checking out something on her hand here.  I might possibly be making her a clean freak, but don't you worry about that. Anywho...

Trips to the pediatrician for nothing really.  Now, you would think a Mama that is a pediatric nurse herself wouldn't worry about every little thing, but I do.  Just a cough and sniffle and here we go!  Oh well, better safe than sorry, right??????

Oh yeah!  This is Sally.  Not the child, the pink car :)  Sally is Sofia's most favorite thing goin on right now.  We sing, "ride Sally, ride!" and she dances and sings and points outside.  Sally pretty much goes everywhere with us that she can.  Every store, walk, visit to other's homes, you name it...Sally will be with us.  "She" keeps the peace, if ya know what I mean ;)  And I tell ya, we get some looks rollin into TJ Maxx with her, but we think they are all just jealous they didn't think of bringing Sally with them to shop and their screaming child.  Just saying.

Mexican with Cousin Cade continues!  Sofia was stealing all of Cade's food here!  Cade is like, "Dude!  Get your girl some of her own food!"

Ahhhh yes...the car buggy at Publix.  Pre-child I would say I will NEVER let my kid ride in one of these ridiculous, germ infested things.  Let me tell you for those of you that are in that place now, you will.  You will do almost anything to see them smile and get through shopping without crying.  It happens.  Trust me though, that things gets a mean wipe down with the toxic baby wipes before sitting in it!  

Sister is already practicing her reverse and parallel parking skills ;)

Speaking of driving skills, this is probably right up there with Sally on the favorite list.  Driving our cars in the driveway.  Daddy cranks up the music and they roll on!!!!  She thinks she is big stuff I tell ya!

Well, there you have it.  A blog post to make your Friday even better than it already was!!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and gets to enjoy this beautiful weather we have coming our way!!!!

Beep beep!

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